Artificial Intelligence (AI) allows us to mimic the processes behind human intelligence and unlock the potential of intelligent behavior in human-made systems. Deep neural networks are state-of-the-art black-box models that show incredible performance in solving various problems, but currently they provide limited transparent explanations of a model’s behavior and its results. Explainable AI methods increase end-user trust in their performance and acceptance of their use, especially in embedded systems. The introduction of AI methods into embedded systems, such as robots, brings additional challenges for their practical application.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers in AI, embedded systems, and robotics to discuss the latest advances and challenges in using artificial intelligence methods in embedded systems applications, with focus on their explainability characteristics. The AI methods can solve various problems, including problems in computer vision, virtual sensing, and natural language processing.
We are pleased to invite researchers interested in artificial intelligence, embedded systems, and robotics to submit papers for the upcoming workshop titled “Black-box and Explainable AI methods in embedded systems applications”.

Submission Guidelines:
Paper Length: Full papers should not exceed 15 pages, including references. Short papers should not exceed 8 pages.
Format: Submissions should be formatted according to the conference template.
Submission System: Papers must be submitted electronically via the conference’s submission portal.
Review Process: All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process as specified by the conference rules. All accepted full papers will be included in the ICT Innovations 2024 Proceedings published by Springer in Communications in Computer and Information Science Series (CCIS), indexed in Web of Science. Accepted short papers and Abstract-only will be published in the ICT Innovations conference web proceedings.

Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline: July 15, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: August 1, 2024
Camera-Ready Papers Due: August 15, 2024
Workshop Date: September 28-30, 2024

Workshop Chair:
Ph. D. Nevena Ackovska (Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering (FCSE), SS Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje)