Workshop: Innovations in Anti-Drone Technologies: Advances in Detection, Recognition, and Tracking

We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the upcoming workshop titled “Innovations in Anti-Drone Technologies: Advances in Detection, Recognition, and Tracking.”

This workshop aims to bring together leading researchers, industry experts, and practitioners to discuss and explore the latest advancements and challenges in the field of anti-drone systems with focus, but not limited to, object detection and classification methods, open set recognition, incremental learning and Explainable AI.

Scope and Topics:
We invite original research papers, review articles, and case studies on a wide range of topics related to anti-drone technologies, including but not limited to:

  • Drone Detection Systems:
    • Radar-based detection methods
    • Acoustic detection techniques
    • Optical and infrared detection systems
    • Multi-sensor fusion approaches for enhanced detection accuracy
  • Drone Recognition and Classification:
    • Machine learning and AI for drone identification
    • Image and video processing techniques for drone recognition
    • Signal analysis for classification of drone types
    • Comparative studies of different recognition methodologies
    • RF signatures for recognition
  • Drone Tracking and Monitoring:
    • Real-time tracking algorithms
    • Long-range and short-range tracking systems
    • Integration of GPS and other navigation systems in tracking
    • Challenges in tracking multiple drones simultaneously
  • Counter-Drone Measures:
    • Jamming and spoofing technologies
    • Physical and cyber interception strategies
    • Legal and ethical considerations in counter-drone operations
    • Case studies of successful counter-drone implementations
  • Applications and Case Studies:
    • Military and defense applications
    • Protection of critical infrastructure
    • Urban and public safety applications
    • Use cases in border and maritime security

Submission Guidelines:
Paper Length: Full papers should not exceed 15 pages, including references. Short papers should not exceed 8 pages.

Format: Submissions should be formatted according to the conference template.

Submission System: Papers must be submitted electronically via the conference’s submission portal.

Review Process: All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review proces as specified by the conference rules. All accepted full papers will be included in the ICT Innovations 2024 Proceedings published by Springer in Communications in Computer and Information Science Series (CCIS). The conference proceeding is indexed in Web of Science: Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), SCOPUS, SCImago, DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex and Mathematical Reviews. Accepted short papers and Abstract-only will be published in the ICT Innovations conference web proceedings.

Important Dates:
• Paper Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024
• Notification of Acceptance: August 1, 2024
• Camera-Ready Papers Due: August 15, 2024
• Workshop Date: September 28, 2024

Organizing Committee:

  • Workshop Chair: Alessandro Cantelli-Forti, PhD
  • Program Committee:
    • Alberto Lupidi
    • Alessandro Cantelli-Forti
    • Edmond Jajaga
    • Francesco Mancuso
    • Giulio Meucci
    • Ozge Buyukdagli
    • Tarik Namas
    • Veton Rushiti
    • Giacomo Longo
    • Walter Matta